Hodl Hodl v1.46 New features: Verification removal, Language set by location, and other improvements.

Hodl Hodl
2 min readMar 24, 2020

Today, we have added features to our trading platform, and even removed some.

Let’s get everything in order.

Verification has been removed

As you may already know, Hodl Hodl has never required verification. However, users were able to voluntarily complete verification and receive “Verified” status, along with a discounted trading fee of 0.5% per trade. Regardless, we have decided to stick with one of our main principles — anonymity — and remove optional verification.

From this moment on, our users will not be able to complete verification on our website. However, we always leave decisions up to our users, therefore, for those who still think verification is necessary, we have left the option of verification open. If you believe that verification is a must, feel free to contact us at support@hodlhodl.com and we will individually consider each case.

Language is set based on location

At the current moment, our main focus is on our User’s experience, therefore, we have added one small functional improvement, the language of a user automatically adjusts to the user’s location used to access the website.

Remember, after the redesign, we changed the location of the menu for language selection, you can find it in the footer of the website. There you can select your preferred language from any of the 9 languages available (English, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Thai, Japanese, Chinese, Farsi, Turkish) with more to come.

Online status

In Hodl Hodl’s offer list, every user has a small circle to the right of their account icon, this circle is there to inform others of whether the user is currently online, or has been online recently. The color code is as follows:

  • Green — user is online
  • Yellow — user has been online within the past 72 hours
  • Grey — user is offline

User rating

We have also adjusted the user stats that are listed in the offer list. From now on, in the last column, you can see the number of trades each user has completed, in addition to the rating of every trader. We believe that both of these metrics allow our traders to select trustworthy partners for instant trades.

Small improvements

As always, in addition to everything previously mentioned, we have made some small fixes and improvements to our trading platform. These include API, FAQs and notification system improvements. Feel free to contact us through any of the following channels and share your user experience and suggestions for further improvements!

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Hodl Hodl

P2P Bitcoin trading & lending platform that doesn’t hold user funds